India's Prime Minister has expressed support for a politician's call for the UK to compensate its former colony for decades of British imperial rule. Some estimate that the figure could come close to three trillion dollars.
India's Prime Minister has expressed support for a politician's call for the UK to compensate its former colony for decades of British imperial rule. Some estimate that the figure could come close to three trillion dollars.
Haha, fan vad rätt. Jag undrar lite om den där pajasen i slutet dock, har han aldrig hört talas om språket hindi?
Nästa resa: Delhi-Mathura-Rishikesh-Haridwar-Delhi. November 2019.
Glöm inte Kohinoor. That big fat Diamond of India.
"The Mountain of Light".
Nån dag senare Jul 28, 2015:
Britain MP Keith Vaz has called for the Kohinoor diamond to be returned to India during Indian prime minister Narendra Modi's visit to UK in November. His comments come in response to Dr Shashi Tharoor's speech at the Oxford Union for Britain to pay reparations to India.
Vaz said, "I welcome Dr Tharoor's speech and the endorsement of its message by PM Modi. I share their views. These are genuine grievances which must be addressed. Pursuing monetary reparations is complex, time consuming and potentially fruitless, but there is no excuse for not returning precious items such as the Kohinoor diamond, a campaign I have backed for many years." PM Modi is due to arrive in the UK on November 12
Det ska bli intressant o se vad som händer November 12, om Kohinoor följer med tillbaks till Indien eller hur det blir. Har läst nånstans förresten att Kohinoor ska ha delats upp så det är väl bara smulor kvar. Från att ha varit 790 carat eller nåt från början. God bless Kohinoor.
Här är Timeline of major famines in India during British rule
Chronological list of famines in India between 1765 and 1947